Focus On… Actually “Studying”Abroad
Midterms are upon us- well for me at least and those studying in Seoul. When you study abroad, you actually have to do the study part from time to time. More so, when midterms are coming up. Without any academically intense commitments, I try to have somewhat of a balance. However, when it hit two weeks till my first exam most of my focus shifted to preparing for them.I say most of my focus because I did fit in a quick trip to Everland, “the happiest place in Korea”.
Apparently, “the happiest place on Earth” was taken by some mouse and his crew.
Fitting in time like that is important to me. It’s important to do things that allow me to decompress and just let me feel like a kid. My roommate had been hyping up the largest wooden roller coaster in the world, but please don’t look up “largest wooden rollercoaster in the world”. The one in Everland does not make an appearance on google. Maybe it’s the largest wooden coaster in Korea. So please let me have this. Let me be able to say that,”I David House of Barbier conquered the mighty T-Express”. Overall, I really enjoyed the ride, though I wish it lasted longer and maybe a bit steeper. However, I’m sure as I get older I’ll be wishing for a less intense ride.
Arriving back from Everland, I knew that the prep for midterms must continue. The fact that I was trying to listen to class lectures in the rollercoaster lines was a clear indication of how heavily midterms weighed on my mind. Modern Korean History, Traditional Korean Society & Modernization, Anthropology & Technology, Intercultural Communication & Leadership and Media Communication in Korea. These are the courses that have demanded demonstration in showing what I’ve learned thus far. Three exams, two open notes, the other closed book. Two papers, one on a “fact” that society could misinterpret and the other on comparing the transportation in Korea to the states.
Having made it through probably my hardest week academically, coupled with intense feelings of home, I think it’s time to have some fun. To reward my academic efforts, perhaps I’ll dance the night away or maybe watch some anime. Honestly both sound just as enticing.