Focus On… Dreams

Happy New year and if you’re anything like the other humans you inhabit the planet with, you have hopes and dreams too. I know I do. Dreams can offer the brightest of lights amidst the most suffocating of darknesses. While dreaming has the ability to show you a reality that hasn’t happened yet, it is important to acknowledge that what best serves in making those dreams a reality is making the most of your present reality. 

What are my hopes and dreams you ask? Well… I want to become a storyteller who is able to write and produce stories that have never been told before. While at Syracuse, I’ve tried to be open to the college environment while intentionally involving myself with spaces and people that could bring me closer to my dream. January 30th 2022, at the age of 21, I interviewed the eldest son of Martin Luther King Jr . I’m honestly still processing that it actually happened, but by participating in opportunities such as this one, I am coming closer to the actualization of my dream.

On the horizon, a new experience filled with thrilling adventures awaits.This upcoming semester, I’ve been bestowed the opportunity to study in a far away land. I’ll be calling South Korea home for the next couple months. I’m excited for the people,experiences and memories that will surely stay with me for a lifetime.  


Focus On… Yes